Aims and scope
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue is an international peer-reviewed journal. It welcomes scholarly works on encounters between believers of different religions and worldviews, both intended and unintended. It invites practice theory contributions concerning interreligious relations, such as interreligious learning, worship, marriage, welfare. The journal publishes non-apologetic, evidence-based articles written by authors from various academic disciplines and religious (or non-religious) backgrounds, . In particular, Studies in Interreligious Dialogue aims to enhance practical religious studies as a new field in the academic study of religion.
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue is edited and published in collaboration with the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies. The journal is abstracted and indexed in ATLASerials; Index Theologicus; Index to the Study of Religions Online; New Testament Abstracts; Elenchus Bibliographicus (Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses); ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences); Scopus; CrossRef.
Criteria and Procedure
Manuscripts for consideration should be sent to
Submissions and Submission Procedure:
Articles submitted for publication are to be sent in Word format. Submissions are to include an abstract of 100-150 words, five key words and a short description of the author's profile.
Articles must cover the research issue, method, results and discussion. Articles should, as a rule, not exceed 7500 words. Longer articles are occasionally accepted at the discretion of the editors. All submissions will be refereed and articles are to be submitted in proper English.
If the article is accepted, the final draft is to be in publishable English. Articles by non-native speakers should be proofread by a native speaker before they are sent to the editors. The author will receive a proof via email. Corrections by the author to the proof should be limited to typographical errors and be returned within one week. Any other changes must have the approval of the editors.
Footnoting, References and Bibliography:
Footnotes are to be used sparingly, i.e. to provide information that cannot be taken up smoothly into the text of the article itself. References are to be done parenthetically in the text (author year: page number). Articles are to include a bibliography in APA format.
American punctuation will be used, with double quotation marks for quotations and single quotation marks for quotations within quotations.
The main text is in Times Roman 10. For block quotes, footnotes and bibliography it is Times Roman 9.
Page margins are top/bottom: 5,1 cm; left/right: 5,4/4,4 cm.
Headings are in bold, subheadings are in italic (not bold). Nu numbers are used in front of the headings.
Copyright of articles published in this journal belong to the publisher, Peeters Publishers and Booksellers. Requests from third parties for quotation or use of an article will thus be handled efficiently and consistently. Any use by the authors themselves of material published here should be accompanied by the acknowledgement of the articles' original publication in Studies in Interreligious Dialogue.
The editors disclaim any responsibility for opinions published in this journal. Authors retain responsibility for any claims they express in this journal.
Contributors will receive an electronic offprint of their article as well as a complimentary copy of the issue in which their article is published from Peeters Publishers and Booksellers.