Student Number: 20/468372/SMU/01370
Nationality: Indonesia
My undergraduate degree was in Psychology from Universitas Indonesia, focusing on Psychology of Religion specifically discussing religious fundamentalism and religious conversion, written based on my personal experience during young adulthood period relating to religiosity and spirituality. Being raised 25 years as a Muslim, following the tradition of my father, I then got baptized in order to understand the Christianity (Adventist) belief of my mother. I took a master's degree in theology from Adventist University in order to understand what Christianity is all about. My previous master thesis was comparing the concept of the Kingdom of God with Khilafah Islamiyyah which of course still left many rooms to be explored. The other reason I took my previous master's degree was to resolve the identity issue. Though I truly have sincere faith in Jesus Christ as Savior yet I felt I could not abandon my Islamic identity. This crisis then pushed me to go deeper and encounter various studies of Christian Muslim relation and also regarding religious hybridity or multiple religious belonging which serves as my primary research interest. These studies then helped me in shifting my religious paradigm from condescending to reconciliation. I personally have decided to embrace both traditions.
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