E-Mail: dickysofjan at ugm dot ac dot id
From: Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bachelor: International Department, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung
Master: Northeastern University, USA
Doctor: National University of Singapore
2023: “Contending Discourses on Human Rights and Dignity in the Post-World War II Era.” In Review of Faith and International Affairs, 21(4) 2023.
2022: “The Heartware of Ecological Sustainability in the Asian Context” in Indrawan, Mochammad, Jeffrey B. Luzar, Helen Hanna and Theodore Mayer, Civic Engagement in Asia: Transformative Learning for a Sustainable Futures, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2022
2021: “Co-Production of Knowledge and Transformative Learning toward a Sustainable Asia” with Mochamad Indrawan, in APN Science Bulletin, 2021. DOI: 10.30852/sb.2021.1700
2021: “Venturing Sustainability: Political Lessons from Civic Engagement and Transformative Learning in Asia” with Hapsari Maharani and Theodore Mayer in APN Science Bulletin, 2021. DOI: 10.30852.
2021: “Muslim Religious Ethics and Environmentalism” in Ethics in Higher Education, Switzerland: Globethics.net, 2021.
2020: “On Social Media and Community Discourse” in Faith, Identity and Cohesion: Building a Better Future, by Jolene Gerard and Amanda Huan, Singapore: World Scientific, 2020. DOI: 10.1142/11837. ISBN-10: 9811220581. ISBN-13: 9789811220586.
2020: "Virus, Manusia dan Tuhan: Refleksi Lintas Iman tentang Covid-19" (Virus, Humans and God: Inter- Religious Reflections on the Covid-19)(editor, with Muhammad Wildan), KP Gramedia, 2020, pp.338. ISBN: 9786024815035.
2020: “The Heartware of Ecological Sustainability in the Asian Context” in Civic Engagement and Transformative Learning in Asia, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2020. ISBN: 9786024339296.
2020: “Learning about Religions: An Indonesian Religious Literacy Program as Multifaith Site for Mutual Learning” in Journal of Religions, Switzerland, MDPI, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/rel11090433.
2020: “Contemporary Readings of Sirah: Textuality and Contextuality” in Al-Ilm Journal, Vol 4(2), Sialkot: Pakistan, 2020.
2019: “Forty Years After the Islamic Revolution of Iran: An Indonesian Perspective” in Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama, 9(2), 24-36. ISSN: 2088-6330 (print). ISSN: 2503-3778 (online).
2018: “Pancasila and the Dignity of the Humankind” in International Journal on Interreligious and Intercultural Studies, UNHI, Denpasar, Bali. ISSN: 2654-2706.
2018: “All in the Name of God” in Poetry and Ethics: Inventing Possibilities in which We are Moved to Action and How to Live Together, Globethics.net, Geneva, Switzerland, pp.47-52. ISBN: 978-2-88931-242-9 (online version) and 978-2-88931-243-6 (print version).
2018: Landscape Reports 2018 – Indonesia and Malaysia, Religious Freedom Institute, Georgetown, Washington, D.C., co-authored by Dicky Sofjan and Josiah Ponnudurai.
2018: Modul Lokakarya Pengayaan Wacana Agama dan Keragaman (Draft Module on Religious Literacy) by Dicky Sofjan et. al., published by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, ICRS and British Council.
2018: “Javanese and Muslim Perception of Reality and Worldview: A Critical Response” in Visions of a Good Society by Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, Trinity College, Singapore: 116-121. ISBN: 978-981-11-5790-5.
2017: Modern Tasawwuf (English Translation) by Hamka, Penerbit Republika, Jakarta (pp.364).
2017: Dunia Kali Code: Partisipasi, Pengetahuan Lokal dan Pengembangan Masyarakat di Bantaran Sungai (The World of Kali Code: Participation, Local Knowledge and Community Development in Riverine Community) by Dicky Sofjan and John Haba (editors). ISBN: 978-60-28683128.
2017: Agama, Identitas dan Gender (Seri Buku 2), Agama, Kebijakan Publik dan Transformasi Sosial, Pustaka Sempu (Grup Insist Press). ISBN: 978-602-0857-44-2.
2017: Three-part Book Series entitled Religion, Public Policy and Social Transformation in Southeast Asia, Vol.2 on Religion, Identity and Gender, Globethics: Geneva, Switzerland. ISBNs: 9782-88931-202-3 (print version); 978-2-88931 (online version).
2016: Two-part Book Series entitled Religion, Public Policy and Social Transformation in Southeast Asia, Vol.1 on Managing Religious Diversity andVol.2 on Identity and Gender, Globethics: Geneva, Switzerland, 2016 and 2017. ISBNs: 978-2-88931-115-6 (print version), 978-2-88931- 114-9 (online version).
2016: “Minoritization and Criminalization of Shia Islam in Indonesia” in Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Villanova University, Pennsylvania, 39(2) Winter 2016: 29-44. ISSN: 0149-1784.
2016: “Religious Diversity and Politico-Religious Intolerance in Indonesia and Malaysia” in The Review of Faith and International Affairs special issue on “Religion, Law and Society in Southeast Asia,” Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 14(4) Winter 2016: 53-64. ISSN: 1557-0274.
Religion, Politics & Global Affairs