Photo of Fransiska Yohana Sri Winarsih


Student Number:  20/468373/SMU/01371

Nationality:  Indonesia


I spent my undergrad at Institut Pertanian Bogor/ University of IPB  (major in Agribusiness). After several years of working experience, I went to Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara for the post-grad (M.A Degree).   I am a religious sister belong to the Society of Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ), and now I live in Yogyakarta.  One of my important mission as an FCJ was working with scavengers in the Manila dumpsite, the Philippines.  It was a real encounter with poverty and, at the same time, humanity. Long-life experiences have shaped my research interest (apparently).  Being born from a farmer's family, I grew up close to the environment.  I love to be in the wilderness and, in particular, mountains.  Then in Manila's dumpsite, I encountered hungry people.  My research is about ecology, focusing on food production.  In the world of bounty, many people go hungry, and their number has ben increased from time to time.   Ironically, some are hungry, but others have more than enough.  If food is the basic human's need, then producing food is a primary task for humanity.   The keywords of my research: ecology, sustainability, food estate, food production, agroecology.

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