Photo of Maurisa Zinira


Student Number:  19/450481/SMU/01259

Nationality:  Indonesia


After completing her bachelor's program at the faculty of Theology, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang, Maurisa pursued her master program at the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS), UGM, where she received her M.A. with a thesis covering the issue of State’s politics of accommodation during the Sunni-Shia conflict in Madura. Upon completing her study, Maurisa went to Florida International University (FIU), USA where she earned another M.A. in religious studies. She is currently enrolled in Universitas Sains al-Qur'an as a lecturer in the faculty of Islamic law where she teaches several courses on Islam and social humanities. Her research interest includes topics on gender and religious movement, which is reflected in her current research project on the role of women in Islamic movements.

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