E-Mail: saifullah dot rohman01 at gmail dot com
Nationality: Indonesia
He obtained an undergraduate degree in Arabic Literature from the Faculty of Humanities, Gadjah Mada University (2009). He then obtained a master’s degree in Religious Studies from the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS)-UGM (2017). His thesis discusses the role of religious leaders in transmitting the values of children with autism. His interest in minority rights issues began in 2012 when he became involved in research on the implementation of human rights for people with disabilities in Indonesia. Recently, in 2022/2023, he enrolled in ICRS-UGM for his Ph.D.
He worked as a researcher at the Research Center for Society and Culture of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). He was having published some articles: “Returned Women Migrant Workers and Mental Illness: The Challenge of Grassroot Working Women in the Global Era (2018)”; “The Dynamics of Implementation of Religious Policy in Indonesia (2018)”; “The Islamic Shari’a Values in Pancasila (2013)”. His research interests include religion and minority groups’ rights; mainstreaming gender issue; religion and education; tolerance, identity, and social change.
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