Virus, Manusia, Tuhan: Refleksi Lintas Iman tentang Covid - 19

After two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all aspects of human life. With the death toll already in the millions across the world, the fate of humanity is increasingly uncertain. The uncertainty is not only about health, economic life, politics, and education, but also about religious life which has seen sudden and drastic changes. Religion, as a social system, has been torn apart by this pandemic. Like other disasters or global humanitarian crises, the impact of this pandemic knows no boundaries of religious identity and, thus, becomes a shared challenge that transcends those boundaries. Therefore, many parties, both laypeople and academics, as well as religious leaders and religious scholars are paying great attention to this issue and are trying to do an in-depth look at this difficult situation. Global calamities like this always provoke theological questions, such as: Why did God allow humans to suffer in the face of this deadly virus? Why doesn't God abolish all diseases and sufferings of humans who are called caliphs on this earth? Where is the role of faith in dealing with this epidemic? How do humans deal with the misery they face?

Regarding these questions, it is clear that there may be quite a number of books and writings that reflect the situation of human life in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, The Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS) as an academic organization that focuses on the study of religious issues has published a book entitled Virus Manusia dan Tuhan: Refleksi Lintas Iman tentang COVID-19 (Virus, Man and God: Reflections across Faiths about COVID-19). ICRS wants to contribute to enriching this reflection, across religions and beliefs, as well as across disciplines. This book seeks to stimulate a reflection that is not only theologically nuanced but also strengthens socio-religious reflection and demands humanitarian solidarity for fellow human beings or citizens who struggle with their suffering. Religious scholars, theologians, and those representing religious communities in Indonesia offer a variety of interfaith reflections and perspectives as guidance during these difficult times.

Dicky Sofjan & Muhammad Wildan (Editor) | KPG (KEPUSTAKAAN POPULER GRAMEDIA)  | Desember 2020 | 338
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