Islamic Boarding School's student designs a concept of sustainable and smart urban living.
This Project serves as a way for ICRS to enter into the question of faith in the city with all its complexities. Its main objective is “to engage schools, universities, civic organizations, NGOs, and faith-based communities and policy community to develop co-design strategies and recommendations to foster sustainable, just and smart urban living”. Sustainable urban living requires that city dwellers reexamine their modes of production and consumption to suit their real and urgent needs; and not wants and fancies. A just city assumes that it provides for all people, regardless of race, gender, religion, creed and economic status. Social justice is also a prerequisite for a better and harmonious co-existence among city dwellers. Smart urban living is defined as a way of life that is healthy, effective and efficient, giving more thrust on the idea that ‘less is more’. The Project is also aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably No.11 on “Sustainable Cities and Communities”. Through the resources of the Project, ICRS has been pro-actively facilitating a Mayors’ Symposium, NGO Forum, meetings, network sessions and building collaborative research on “Faith and Urban Resilience”, while simultaneously engaging partners in the World Urban Forum (WUF), hosted by UNHabitat. This Project has been generously supported by ICRS’ longtime partner, the Ford Foundation.
Published works and events:
This monograph reflects on the implementation of and lessons learned— both theoretically and practically from this three-year program. Those have been quite stimulating and productive, though at the same time also challenging. The activities of our programs are described in the Appendix of this monograph. This monograph is partly a kind of documentation of those activities and achievements, but it is also a reflection on them, and a basis for us to move further in the coming years.
Training module on Religion, Environmental Conservation and Restoration of Peat Ecosystem (Agama, Pelestarian Lingkungan, dan Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut)
It is a small step in an effort to answer the challenge on possibility for religious communities, with all their social capital, to play a role in dealing with environmental conservation. This is the result of collaboration between the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS), a consortium consisting of Gadjah Mada University, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Duta Wacana Christian University, the Peat Restoration Agency, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. This module was used for training Religious Extension Officers in several areas of Kalimantan and Sumatra at the end of 2020.
There are many sad things related to physical and sexual violence, pressure psychological and economic difficulties faced by women during the pandemic. However, there are also either encouraging and relieving, even inspiring. Although vulnerable, the women maneuver and transform. In that situation the researcher can dive in and observe some details on how the women move to overcome many things amidst the persistent challenges of gender ideology. This research findings was presented at International Symposium on Religious Life (ISRL) 2020 and published in its proceeding. and also uploaded on the National Geographics Indonesia website. In order to get a wider audiences, the research results were written and published on the website of the National Geographics Indonesia.