E-Mail: email at email dot com
Nationality: Indonesia
Originally from Minahasa, North Sulawesi. She received her bachelor degree in Theology and wrote a skripsi on Feminist Hermeneutic at Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon. She then obtained a master's degree from CRCS UGM in 2011. Her thesis discusses the environmental crisis occured in Minahasa and how the churches ethically and theologically responded to those crisis.
She is an ordained minister (Pendeta) in GMIM Church in Manado. Since 2015 she worked as Lecturer at Faculty of Theology in her alma mater UKI Tomohon and teaches subjects on Feminist Theology, Ecotheology/Environmental Ethics, Hebrew, and Theology of Religions.
Her research interest for PhD in ICRS is environmental ethics, specifically the ethical dimensions and moral dilemmas on food access and food safety in Minahasa.