Photo of Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA


E-Mail:  udasmoro at ugm dot ac dot id

From:  Universitas Gadjah Mada




Bachelor: Faculty of Cultural Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Master: University of Geneva, Switzerland

Doctor: University of Geneva, Switzerland

Recent Publications

2019: Contesting the Social Spaces: Gender Relation of Literary Communities in Yogyakarta and Surakarta di Indonesian Journal of Geography

2018: Preachers, Pirates and Peacebuilding: Examining Non Violent Masculinities in Aceh  (with Rahel Kunz and Henry Myrttinen) in Asian Journal of Women Studies

2018: Representing the Other in A Voyage Round the World: Marquis Ludovic de Beauvoir’s History and Narration of 19th-Century Java di Journal on Asian Perspective

2017: The Language Construction of Muslims as the Others in French Contemporary Discourses di Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies

2016: La Condition Féminine: une exception indonésienne?” in edited book L’Indonésie Contemporain published by Institut de Recherche sur L’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine, Paris

Research Interests

Literature Studies, Gender & Critical Discourse Analysis